søndag den 22. juli 2012

The truth about losing

Losing is never fun, but it's part of life. Some people leaves but like that you make room for new people, who worship you more. You just have to remember that those who leave, they leave for a reason. Maybe you don't fit together, maybe you've grown apart or maybe they have hurt you so much you cannot forgive them.
Losing a real friend is unforgettable. You will remember her/his smile forever and always think back at your hilarious, fucked up, or beautiful moments together. You will treasure your memories. And that's great, but just remember to make space for new people to enter your life.
And remember; never take a friend for granted. Love a friend like you love family and support her/him no matter what. Through thick and thin. Sometimes you may argue about some stuff and it may seem like the end of your friendship, but try to hold on as long as it seems fair for you both. Hold on until it seems impossible to fix.
Some things can be fixed, some things can not. And that's what I am experiencing right now; the end of a three-year old friendship. It's devastating and she haunts me in every single dream. I dream of our good times and bad times, all the fun we've made and the shit we've been through. And I miss her. Oh fuck I miss her. But I know this will never be fixed, something's have to remain broken. I cannot have somebody messing up my schedule and my brain. I will not be taken for granted. I want to be loved for who I am and be worshiped for what I do. True, I love her and maybe one day I will ask her to be my friend again, but I'm not stable enough as it is right now.
Right now I will treasure what I have and keep my eyes and heart open for what is coming.

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