tirsdag den 24. juli 2012


When I think back, I remember your smile. Your shining eyes. The hair with the color of night. I remember all those beautiful memories. I remember your warm embrace, your affectionate kisses.

But now, all that, has to end. You screwed me over once again and this time I will not forget. I will not forgive. You say you are broken but you have no clue about how being broken feels. When it stings, scratches and aches like a disease in your heart. A disease that will never stop.

And yes. This disease, this fucking illness, is my love to you. A fucking circle that will fuck me over and over and fucking over again. And I cannot deal with this anymore. You meant everything to me. You were my light, you were my only hope.

But you did it again. Trashed my heart.
Don't you see? There's no future for us anymore.

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